If you have a bike reflector like the one in the images below, you can download and 3D print this holder for your AirTag. This seems to be a good hiding spot for the AirTag, less obvious than under the seat. 3D Printing & Assembly To remove the mount from your reflector light, use a …
Author: Peter Chodyra
DIY TV LED Backlight the easy way
I have been creating LED backlights for TVs and Monitors for several years now. As a base I always used a 10mm x 3mm aluminium flat bar with various corner mounts. Recently however I have designed a corner joiner that can be easily 3D printed and make the whole assembly very easy. What you will …
DIY Smart Blinds v3 – Wand System Adapter / Conversion
DIY SmartBlinds v3 Wand System Conversion.
Contact Guard
DISCLAIMER: The statements and descriptions bellow are my own and not substantiated by any medical tests or medical facts. I take no responsibility for the any damage or illness of any kind due to use of this device. Use air your own risk. In the era of viruses like COVID-19 we all need to stay …
Apple iMac 2013 Simple Smart Backlight
DISCLAIMER: Since high voltage electricity is involved in this project, this needs to be mentioned. I do not condone working with high voltage electrical devices without assistance of a licensed electrician. I do not take responsibility for any harm or damages caused by using this deign. Now the fun stuff. My personal opinion is that having …
DIY Smart Blinds v3 – How To with NEMA 14 or NEMA 17
DIY SmartBlinds v3 is based on a Nema 14 stepper motor and 12v power supply.